HIGHLIGHTS | Nov. 29th Council Meeting

  1. We have skating party covered – More on that coming soon! Save the Date for Feb. 16th (Not 10th)
  2. Program Committee Updates: They are getting going on maker stuff. Dash and Dot teacher lunch and learn in December and more to com in the new year for circuits and little bits.
  3. Teachers requested funds for 5 more chrome books to make a class set.
  4. Lars has his studio open house in january (brothersdressler.com/) and has welcomed the school/teachers to come with kids and see it in action.
  5. Snack program funds were doubled, allowing a weekly snack all year.
  6. Lights out Learning on Dec.9 – more info coming soon
  7. Elf on the Shelf project.  There will be an assistant elf every day spotting acts of kindness at the school and reporting on the announcements through December.
  8. Seeking leads for Fundraising event in the fall (2017) to hopefully be combined with the 35th anniversary celebration.  Possibly at High Park.
  9. Arts Committee secured a PRO grant to be used for parent/child art based activity/workshop. They are exploring maker kids and second city/theatre/improv possibilities.