- We have skating party covered – More on that coming soon! Save the Date for Feb. 16th (Not 10th)
- Program Committee Updates: They are getting going on maker stuff. Dash and Dot teacher lunch and learn in December and more to com in the new year for circuits and little bits.
- Teachers requested funds for 5 more chrome books to make a class set.
- Lars has his studio open house in january (brothersdressler.com/) and has welcomed the school/teachers to come with kids and see it in action.
- Snack program funds were doubled, allowing a weekly snack all year.
- Lights out Learning on Dec.9 – more info coming soon
- Elf on the Shelf project. There will be an assistant elf every day spotting acts of kindness at the school and reporting on the announcements through December.
- Seeking leads for Fundraising event in the fall (2017) to hopefully be combined with the 35th anniversary celebration. Possibly at High Park.
- Arts Committee secured a PRO grant to be used for parent/child art based activity/workshop. They are exploring maker kids and second city/theatre/improv possibilities.
High Park Alternative Junior School
Parents Council Website